
This page describes all of the tokens in the ecosystem, and provides a brief overview of their interactions.


This is the base token of the entire ecosystem and the main driver of treasury funds. There is a 4% tax on all transfers including staking and buys/sells, and these funds are further subdivided.

1% is turned into LP and burned, allowing for the ensured growth of locked liquidity.

3% is sent directly to the Gold Mine (Treasury).

Rewards are given out in GOLD 1 from the staking system.

Holders of GOLD 1 are able to submit off-chain ideas for proposals via discord.


Maia is the token that represents a user’s stake in the staking contract. When a staker deposits GOLD 1, he/she are given Maia as proof of ownership in the system.

Once a user decides to withdraw their funds from the staking pool, the Maia is exchanged for a 96% equivalency in Gold 1.

Only the Maia holder can vote on proposals. The Maia holder’s vote is weighted based on the amount of Maia tokens he/she holds.

Valar (Soulbound Token)

Valar is the token you want. The Valar are The Chosen Ones, initially hand picked by the community members.

Valar holders enjoy two perks. - Firstly, the Valar are the only ones who can create proposals on chain. To be clear, anyone who holds Gold 1 can submit ideas for consideration, but these ideas will need the backing of at least one Valar in order to become an on-chain proposal.

Secondly, the Valar are evenly distributed rewards from the Gold Mine. More on that in the staking section.

Last updated