
Rewards are introduced to the system passively. When the Gold Mine has crossed the critical threshold (10 ETH), these funds are then distributed throughout the system to Maia holders.

The Maia command a 100% split of rewards.

In this way the DAO is able to incentivize staking while also incentivizing business development, community building and grassroots marketing; cornerstones of a healthy project.

This multi-pronged approach will generate more proposals, which in turn will grow the staking pool. This will create greater rewards for Maia and Valar, resulting in an efficient and healthy ecosystem.

Valar Reward Mechanism

The Valar are rewarded seperately from the main staking contract, splitting the sum of 0.16% of the total tax evenly, in the form of Gold 1 token from buybacks, as mentioned.

As such, it would be wise of the Valar to be very selective on who they vote into their order, as doing so dilutes their rewards.

Rouge Valar Contingencies

It is clear that the Valar have significant power and benefit from the system as designed. Thus, it is important to introduce a failsafe in the scenario where a Valar is acting against the benefit of the DAO.

This is through a rescindment of the Valar token from the bad actor.

Last updated